Saturday 5 April 2014

Registration for PET Official Exams in Valencia

Dear students,

 The registration process for the PET examination this year is open.

In the British Council it costs 105€. There are several different dates, and the registration deadline (fecha límite para matricularse) changes depending on the examination day.

If you want to take the exam on May 17th, you have to register before April 9th.
If you want to take the exam on June 5th, you have to register before April 14th.
If you want to take the exam on June 21st, you have to register before April 30th.
If you want to take the exam on July 24th, you have to register before June 18th.

You can see the list of available dates here:

In Lenguas Vivas it costs 95€. There are different dates and places for the examination, and the registration deadline (fecha límite para matricularse) changes depending on the examination day.

If you want to take the exam on May 17th in Hotel Sorolla (Valencia), you have to register before April 8th.
If you want to take the exam on May 17th in Colegio El Rebollet (Oliva), you have to register before April 8th.
If you want to take the exam on June 21st in Escola Pía (Gandía), you have to register before April 18th.
If you want to take the exam on June 21st in Colegio Santa Ana (Algemesí), you have to register before April 18th.
If you want to take the exam on July 24th in Hotel Sorolla (Valencia), you have to register before June 18th.

You can see the list of available dates here:

 Please take into account that you should register for the Preliminary English Test (PET), not the Preliminary English Test for Schools.

 If you have any questions, please leave a comment.


  1. Lo comparto con mis compañeros. Saludos

  2. Thank you, Cristina. Have a nice Easter break.
